Thursday, October 31, 2013

Starting Over

My original healthy living journey began on October 21, 2013. I started the Whole 30 and did really well with it, which surprised me. Usually I struggle with drastic changes in my diet, but this time around it was different. I wanted to succeed and I didn't want failure to be an option. So, here we are 10 days later and my first blog entry is about starting over. Why? Well, I failed. It started with a couple glasses of wine over the weekend. Then I had a little bit of cookie dough from the batch I was making Ryan. Then, Tuesday, I had a cookie that was offered to me. I decided later that day I wanted to make a recipe I found for paleo muffins and I justified the heck out of why it was ok for me to eat them even though I wasn't supposed to be consuming honey. Today, I made the worst (but still kind of ok--I'll explain later) decision I've made in the last 10 days. I ate a donut!!!!!  :( I fell off the wagon, but, unlike in the past, I'm not beating myself up. Why? 1. Because I can always start over. Yes, the last 10 days of the Whole 30 are gone (but really, it's less than that because I was only faithful to the Whole 30 for 5 days), but I can (and will!) start over tomorrow. I was going to push it off until January and live a paleo lifestyle until then, but decided I need to stick to my guns! 2. It's not the end of the world. So what if I made a few mistakes here and there? I ate the healthiest I've ever eaten IN MY LIFE over the last 10 days! I felt amazing!!!! 3. (This is why choosing the donut was a little ok.) I discovered how different I feel when I eat something unhealthy when I cut it out of my diet. I realized a few different things. They're still so tasty (haha, let's get the obvious out of the way first!). The amount of junk in them (especially sugar) made me feel so sick! The carbs made me exhausted. I almost fell asleep at my desk at work in the afternoon. There are way more negatives to eating a donut and I don't want anything to do with them for a very, very long time, if ever. Sticking to the healthy eating is well worth it and my body deserves to be treated well. I felt fantastic over the last few days. I even felt better mentally! Over the last few years, it seemed my thoughts took so long to turn into words and since I cut out the garbage, I felt normal again. Of course, the donut ruined that, so I'm wondering if that was related to gluten. I'm thinking so!

I never thought I could learn so much about myself in the span of 10 days, and I never thought so much of it would be related to food. I'm going to go back to the healthy choices and I am going to succeed on my second round of the Whole 30. I can and will do this! I am worth it! 


  1. Oh my dear friend, we all make mistakes but you are taking a step in the right direction. I think even small steps end up being monumental, so you are on track! Great first blog! I cant wait to read more!

  2. This was very touching Amanda, you can do it. My husband and I have been eating clean for 3 years it's not that hard once you get used to it:)
